Trutane family homepage

Picture of Russ on first day of first grade, 29 Aug 2007

Russell Trutane

Welcome to Russell's page! Here you'll find the latest news and pictures about Kim & Steve's first born pride & joy.

He continues to be a great big brother for Perry.

Russell started first grade on 29 August 2007, and this photo was taken just moments before he entered the classroom. Comparing this picture to one taken last year on the same spot before he entered preschool shows he grew by about one dolphin (his head was just below the dolphin to the left of his head in this pic). Oh, and yes that is styling gel in his hair (by personal request).

Here are some assorted web links Steve has collected for Russell. (You have to be Russell or Steve to actually see them, otherwise you'll just get all of Steve's links.)

NEW: Photos of Russell's Bionicle constructions

Here are Russell's current vital statistics as of August 2007:

Birthday January 5, 2001
Birth Stats Cesarian after 52 hrs labor! 9lb 10 oz, 21 inches, 5:52AM on 1/5/01, apgar: 2/9 quickly progressing to ~8/9
Age 6.6 years
Weight 64 lbs
Height 48.5 inches
Hair Gingery brown
Eyes Light Brown
Teeth Lost six baby teeth. Lower front incisors and one upper are fully in. Chipped his adult upper this spring on monkey bars. Other upper is taking a long time to come in, possibly occluded.
School Marin Elementary school
Recent Accomplishments
  • Completed kindergarten at Marin Elementary school, had great time and made new friends along the way.
  • Can read first 12 Bob books
  • Expert at monkey bars, tree climbing, and hanging by various appendages (knees). Climbed up rock wall 5 times at the Albany July 4th community picnic.
  • Strong bicylist - biked up to Tilden with Dad on Burley trailer
Favorite activities
  • Playing video games. Russ is a major afficionado of various forms of video games. Favs include Lego Star wars, Shrek2, Runescape, and various web-based games such as those Addicting Games, Shockwave, and Game Tunnel. (Dad hopes that his growing fascination with the text-intensive RPGs and MMORPGs will help spur on his reading skills ;-)
  • Observing and interacting with nature: bugs, lizards, spiders, anything that crawls or flies
  • Playing with others.
  • Sports: bicycling, climbing (free climbing trees, climbing walls, and repelling), gymnastics
  • Watching videos of his favorite movies.
  • Drawing freehand designs with pencil and paper.
  • Reading books with Mom & Dad. Current fav is Tintin
  • TV Shows: PBS programs, The Simpsons, YuGiOh and Pokemon (though we watch very little commercial TV)
Favorite toy Legos: assembling very intricate structures from own imagination and mixing stuff together from large multi-piece kits.
Favorite food Dino chicken nuggets with ketchup and apple juice (still his most common thing for breakfast -- though Dad's always encouraging diversification)
Least favorite activities
  • Playing alone

Russell links:

Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Steve & Kim Trutane
Last revised: 2007-10-05