Here are Russell's current vital statistics as of August 2005:
Birthday |
January 5, 2001 |
Age |
4.67 years |
Weight |
~51 lbs |
Height |
~44 inches |
Hair |
Gingery brown |
Eyes |
Brown |
Teeth |
Clean bill of health (thanks to Steve for the unrelenting brushing effort) |
School |
Albany Preschool
Recent Accomplishments |
- Passed the beginner level 3 swimming test at Canyon poll in El Sobrante.
- Rides bike without training wheels (and without major crashes) for 1 sidewalk.
- Counts up to 30 or 40. Can write his name. Can type in his
password on home computer.
Favorite activities |
- Watching videos of his favorite programs.
- Playing with others.
- Playing video games. favs include Androkids,
various web-based games accessible via PBS Kids, and Nanosaur II
Hatchling. Really likes playing them with Dad (e.g, with Nanosaur,
Russ shoots, changes weapon, and jets;
Dad flies. Yes, we have made it through level 3 a
few times, but in kiddie mode. We've done level 2 sans kiddie mode, though).
- Coloring and placing stickers in various books, especially
dinosaurs, snakes, other animals.
- Reading books with Mom & Dad (various stuff including:
- Collecting and sorting various objects (rocks, coins, beads)
- TV Shows (video tape and PBS only):
- Various classics like: Shrek,
Pinocchio, The Iron
Giant, Treasure
Planet, Wallace and Gromit
Favorite toy |
Very realistic plastic bugs and reptiles, Tinker toys (not sure on this...)
Favorite food |
Dino chicken nuggets with ketchup and apple juice.
Least favorite activities |
- Playing alone
- Brushing teeth
- Cleaning anything up