Perry so wants to ride Russell's bike. Feet don't quite reach yet.
The whole gang at Fort Pelton, Santa Cruz on 23 August, soon
after we arrived for a 4-day weekend.
Isobel scaling the Fort Pelton chimney. Everyone climbed, no ropes, no falls. Whew.
Russ and Isobel, free climbing duo.
The kids put on a play, directed by Isobel.
The Utah contingent packs up for the haul back home. Almost got everyone in this shot.
Looking up the Fort Pelton crow's nest.
Isobel and Russell prepare for crazy surfing at the Santa Cruz boardwalk.
First day of school on 29 August, moments before Russ entered
his first grade classroom. Compare to photo taken before
kindergarten on the same spot. He's about 1 dolphin taller.
Russell's first grade classroom, first day of school. Parents got a chance to visit before things started. Russ is at bottom left. Kim in center.