Russell and ginormous frog at the Oakland zoo. August 2007.
Russell's Halloween day at preschool, October 2006
Photo by Russell at Tilden steam trains, Fall 2006.
Push faster, Daddy!
Russell's leap into the great beyond in the Sierra foothills near Placerville.
Russell's 6th birthday (5 Jan 2007), Grandma Judy visits from St. Louis
More Nutella
Lost first upper tooth, 19 Jan 2007
Exploring bugs at the land. Wanna shake?
Friend Riley visits his Brazillian shirted chaps.
Playing at Rock Creek swimming hole near land, April 2007.
More action at Rock Creek.
Steve's birthday meal from chef Kim. Yum.
Picking cherries in Brentwood, CA, May 2007.
Dining with au pairs in Brentwood, CA. May 2007
Soccer team photo. End of Russell's first season. June 2007.
Au pair transition. Grazi and Roseni with the P-man.
First season of fruit from our apricot tree. Gave us around 3 dozen awesome apricots.
Scouting with Mom from Slate mountain in the Sierras. July 2007
At the Mosquito volunteer fire department, July 2007.
Temptation captured.
California poppies in front yard.
Piggybacking at home.
Kitchen posing. July 2007.
Celebrating completion of first floor of treehouse at the land.
Manzanita berries. Bears love them, and we've starting eating them, too. Don't tell the bears!
Perry climbed our tree and left something behind.
At the Oakland zoo. August, 2007.
Kim brings au pairs to climb at Ironworks, Berkeley. August 2007.
Steve takes advantage of a break from watching kids at au
pair climbing event.
Solar powered disco ball in our kitchen.